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Get in touch

Email me using the contact box to the right. If you are using the mobile version of this website, contact my using one of the links below.


You can also find me

On FacebookTwitter, LinkedIn and Tutorhunt.



I offer the full range of subjects covered by the National Curriculum at primary level, execpting P.E. (physical education) as this would require more space and equipment than private tutoring can provide! These subjects include:


English - reading, writing, speaking and listening and drama


Maths - number (including addition, subtraction, multiplication,       division, fractions, decimals and percentages), problem solving, data handling and statistics, shape, space and measures


Science - biology, chemistry and physics


Computing - computer science, information communication technology and digital literacy (including internet safety)


Design Technology - textiles, cooking (including food hygene and healthy eating) and basic woodwork


Art - drawing, painting, collage, crafts and history of art


History - the ancient Egyptians, the Anglo Saxons, the Romans, the Vikings, the Greeks, the Victorians, World Wars I and II or custom (I am willing to complete my own research and build up lessons to match your chosen period of history)


Geography - map skills, Great Britain (including a local study and places of national importance), global (including trade, world issues and the environment)


Music - reading music, listening and responding, composing and singing, beginner flute


French - basic vocabulary, conversation and grammar


Religious education 


Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) - self esteem, relating to others, drugs and alcohol education, sex and relationships education, managing money and citizenship



My rates are negotioable based on the distance I would need to travel (I live in Preston) and the subjects you would like covered as this can have an impact on materials I may need to purchase and the research and preparation I may need to complete in order to teach effectively.

First Lesson Free!

I always offer a free first lesson (up to one hour) for several reasons. Firstly, you need to know that I am going to be the right fit for your child. Secondly, I need to know I can achieve your goals for your child. This requires me to assess what he or she can already do before I begin tutoring.  Thirdly it gives me a chance to begin to build a working relationship with your child without rushing straight into tutoring. Finally, it allows you, me and your child to come up with the aims and objectives for my time with you so that I can fully personalise the course of lessons I will be offering.


Basic Rates

One child aged 6 - 12 ......................................................... £16-£20 an hour

Small groups (up to four children) aged 6 - 12 ............. Â£10-£15 an hour per child


I also offer a discounted rate to pupils from families in difficult circumstances as I believe all children deserve an equal chance at a good education, not just those who can afford it. Please get in touch to discuss these details.


My Avaliability

For my availability this month, please see my availability page.

I am happy to work with children who are home-schooled or who are already in full time education.

I am avaliable during term time and the school holidays.

I am happy to travel to your home to tutor your child (within reason!) or for your child to learn in my home.


Your child's safety

Nothing is more important to me than ensuring your child is safe and happy. As a primary teaching student, full time teacher, the daughter of foster carers and a volunteer I have had more CRB and DBS checks than I can count (actually it's six but you get the idea). I would be very happy to share any or all of these with you prior to tutoring your child. They all say the same thing: no criminal convictions.

I have organised and taken children on trips to museums and local historical sites and completed some very complex risk assessments. If as part of my work in tutoring your child you would like me to take him or her on a trip I would be happy to complete a full risk assessment beforehand.

I will never leave your child unattended.

Contact & Rates

Contact me here:

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